In this game, you can peacefully live alongside mysterious creatures known as Pals or risk your life to drive off a ruthless poaching syndicate.
Pals can be used to fight, or they can be made to work on farms or factories.
You can even sell them or eat them!

Experience: 2x
Drop on Death: OFF
Mode: PVE
Friendly Fire: No
Pickup others drops: No
Egg Hatch Speed: 2 (75 Original)
Pal Workers: 15
Worker Speed: 1.5x
All Drop Rates: 2x
Collection Regen Rate 2x
Stam Drain 0.5 (Player/Pal)
Health Regen 2x (Player/Pal)
Capture Rate 1.5x
Max Guild Members: 10
Will be added once official mod support comes
custom additions
Anti-Cheat and Whitelist system in place, you will have to join our discord and link your steam account and discord account to Mystic Isles in order to play PalWorld, We are doing this to deter cheaters from playing or messing with our community. By linking your Steam and Discord, it will give us the opportunity to find and report players that are using cheating software.
Getting connected
Getting connected to PalWorld can currently only be done inside the game by using the information below.
Join our Discord for information to get connected. We are now running 2 servers, one is 2x XP and one is 3x XP